Saturday, August 21, 2010


It's been almost a year since I left for India and Southeast Asia. Sometimes it seems like forever ago. I've been thinking about the ashram a lot lately and wondering how everybody's doing there. It's a strange thing - you spend a short while somewhere and then leave, but everybody else is still there. That is home for them. It would be neat to go back and visit sometime. If I hadn't canceled my ticket I would be in India right now. I still feel like I will get back there at some point; there's still so much to explore and learn. For now, though, I'm content to be doing what I'm doing as I figure out the next step. There are still so many places I want to see, and I'm not down with the idea of doing it when I retire. The future is too uncertain. I've had little motivation to blog lately, which is not to say I haven't been learning and reflecting, just in a different way than I did on my trip. But most of this is just for me. Suffice it to say that I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do in the world, I'm just not quite sure yet how to do it. At the same time, I'm less worried about figuring that part out than I was before. Everything in its own time.

One of the coolest things I got to do while at the ashram was eat sugar cane straight off the stalk while we were visiting the village of one of the boys. Yum.

1 comment:

  1. There's an ashram in Trinidad. Not the same as being in India, but people from all over the world come and spend time there.
