Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Before I came to Mexico I decided that I was going to take care of two medical things here. One, get my teeth cleaned, and two, buy some glasses. Because everything costs less here. Well, let's face it, everything costs less pretty much everywhere outside the U.S. So this morning I asked Maria if she knew of a good dentist in town. Turns out her husband is a dentist! Awesome! So an hour or so later Shayna came with me and we walked to the other side of town, close to the aqueduct. We took a wrong turn at the end, but fortunately he was expecting us so he was keeping an eye out and saw us go the wrong way. It's pretty hard to miss two gringas in this town. So as we were asking some folks about the address we had been given, we turned around to see Doctor Fernando there on the sidewalk; he had come to fetch us on his bicycle. :) Apparently he owns several blocks worth of buildings and Maria had given us the wrong address. No harm done; we followed him up the street to his office and he went to work. He was super super nice. He spoke some English, but spoke mostly in Spanish and I was able to follow. I learned lots of good new words, too, like toothbrush, floss, flat (I should be using a completely flat headed toothbrush). He had me chew on these red tablets which are supposed to show where the plaque is on your teeth. It was pretty shocking; I kind of looked like a vampire and I think my tongue is still red from the experience. Anyway, he gave me perhaps the most thorough lesson on how to brush and floss my teeth that I have ever had. An hour or so later, after the cleaning and after he showed us his pictures of Machu Pichu, we were on our way. And all for about a third of what I would have paid in the U.S. Mexico just keeps getting better and better.

A view of the aqueduct on our way back into town. Shayna has all the dentist pictures on her camera, so maybe I´ll get some of those from her and post them here later.

As promised... here I am in the dentist chair making my best scared face. I really don´t like going to the dentist.

Nice clean teeth and a neon tongue.

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