Saturday, July 2, 2011

I Heart Mexico

Shayna and I arrived in Mexico City just about 48 hours ago, but it feels like so much longer. We were picked up at the airport by Claudia, my boyfriend's sister, and whisked away to their house, where we also met his mom and grandmother, and a menagerie of pets. The house has multiple terraces and plants, there is always incense burning, and there are so many beautiful works of art everywhere that I keep noticing something new every day.

From the moment we arrived it felt like we were part of the family. We've had breakfast every morning at the family restaurant and have been virtually chauffeured everywhere. So far we have seen Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo's house, the Anthropology Museum, the National Palace, and several vibrant local markets. The food here is beyond amazing. I have discovered a new favorite fruit, guanabana, which one of the vendors in the market was kind enough to offer us. It's not the prettiest fruit in the world, but the white flesh inside tastes as sweet as candy. I plan to eat as much of this as possible while I'm here.

Right now I am running on fumes and must get some sleep. We leave tomorrow for Morelia, which is about 4 hours west of here, where we will spend about a month tutoring and exploring. The adventure continues!

Outside one of the markets a vendor steams sweet potatoes and plantains for some delicious nosh.

Today we went to the Catedral Metropolitano, and because of some killer family connections we got to actually go up into the organ area of the cathedral and explore a place where most tourists don't get to go. Amazing.

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